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Mother Gaia speaking:


"Well, Good evening.  It is a bright world indeed as I look upon it; much brighter even than it felt in your last few moments.  I too am receiving the wonderful rays from the Sun, the Great Central Sun, and I am receiving the  rays of Love, and Honor, and Respect, from almost all who inhabit, what you call Planet Earth.


"I am very much in communication with those who dwell inside of the Earth, for that is my kingdom as well.  And I am receiving constant communications from those who are visitors, placing themselves, for the most part, above us.   They are sending grand messages of Love and Peace.  And even now they are in assistance to me, as are you, in what you call the clean-up, the cleansing, and the healing. 


"Do you know how beautiful it is to feel the Love that you put forth?  I feel it, for I am all of the kingdoms, as you so respectfully refer to all of the living beings, below, on, and above this beautiful planet.  And I overflow with Gratitude and Love for you, at everything that you do, at your feelings, at your connections with me, at the words that you speak, at the thoughts that you send out, at the Love that you radiate, and at the actions that you do.**


"It is no matter, whether it is as simple as recycling some materials that can be put to use again, instead of tossed upon me.  It can be as huge as cleaning up a river, or a lake, or an ocean bay.  It can be giving shelter, and nourishment to an animal, which has none, and no place to go, if it weren’t for you.  It can be any number of things that you do in your actions.


"It feels so good, and good is a word that I use quite often.  I want you to know that everything that you do is appreciated.  Sometimes I am able to express back to you, you know when you come to a certain place on the land, or in the water, or in the sky.  And when you feel something in your heart, or in your entire being, when you feel a connection; it may be with a particular guide, or spirit, but I’m part of that, you see.


"You cannot make a step anywhere without touching me.  Even when you fly in those airplanes of yours, you’re still touching me, because I have the atmosphere too, you know.  Oh yes, I am everywhere.  And I love being with you, and I love that you’re here.


"Do not mistake my own cleansings, bathings, and detoxing,** in any way to mean that I am not happy that you’re here with me; I am.  And I promise you, I shall continue to the very best of my ability to lessen the effects of what I must do to survive.


"Remember, if I perish, so do all of my kingdoms.  That is NOT the plan.  That is not what is in store.   And yes, I do respond when I am attacked.  I will defend myself, because I am defending you.  And there are those who are messing with the weather.  And there are those who are still trying to put toxic materials into the atmosphere, which then fall to the ground, and hurt us all.


"I have help.  I have all of you, shall we say the 'ground crew'.  And I have the entire Star Fleet.  I have the Ashtar Command in partner, in partnership, with me, and all of the Masters, and all of the Spirits of the Earth.  Have you noticed lately there are more and more orbs showing up?  Have you noticed lately there are more and more fairies and wee folk dancing in your yards, and in your meadows?  Have you felt communication with the dolphins and the whales, and even the other creatures of the sea?  Have you felt more in touch with your own household family from the various animal kingdoms, as you call it?


"All of these are real.  This is reality.  This is what is Truth.  This is your Ascension Process manifested, and it is so joyful.  So thank you beloved ones for continuing your efforts.  Thank you for the honor, and the respect that you give me.  Thank you for acknowledging the sacred places where you walk, and where you live, and let us continue this partnership.


"Know that wherever you are there is a special Light, and know that if you happen to be in a place where my cleansing takes place, that it is because you are joined with me in mission, and it is because together we are creating the New Earth, and it is so beautiful. 


"And soon, very soon, the cleansings will be completed, the shifts will have been made, and this place that you call Earth, shall truly be that Garden of Eden that it started out to be.  It was always intended that it would return, what was in question, until a few years ago, was in what timeline it would take place, whether there would be yet another start to the whole process of coming, and then ascending back.


"It is so joyful to know that you chose to make it this time, and in the places you’re in, and in all of the wondrous places that you’re going to be in.  Oh yes, those of you who long to see more places, on Planet Earth and beyond, are having those longings, those desires met, as you manifest this new Earth, and the true reality of all that is. 


"So keep it up, keep it up beautiful ones, keep those bright smiles upon your faces, and in your hearts, and indeed in your whole being.  And know that I, and my special representatives, are in honor, and in awe, of what you are doing, as you recognize the oneness of us all.  Indeed, there are many here, all of the Divas, and all of those from the Fairy Kingdoms.  Beloved Pan, is in honor of all of you, and your works, and this will only continue.


"So when you’re doing your connecting moments, when you are in meditation, and when you are in sleep, know that you are in the arms of Mother Gaia, and the all that we are, and that all is indeed well upon Planet Earth, and in each of your Divine Kingdoms.  And so it is.  Thank you for hearing this.  Thank you for being together, and thank you for being who you are, among the kingdoms of Planet Earth.  And so it is."


Excerpt from Ashtar Teleconference June 20, 2006

See alswww.ashtarontheroad.com/lighteningupearth.html  


**For information and an action plan see:



© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.